The magical dolphin is among the most intelligent marine mammals that inhabit the waterways of the world.
Their grace, beauty and interaction with humans have made them the most beloved of all the marine species.
Dolphins use a variety of whistles, grunts, clicks, and body postures to communicate and are highly social, living in communities called pods or schools. It has sometimes been observed that when another dolphin is injured, its fellow dolphins will care for it. Dolphins have even been known to protect vulnerable people who are under attack from sharks.
Often known to swim alongside ships, this sight of a guiding dolphin is thought by many mariners to be an omen of extreme good fortune.
As a symbol of love, the dolphin represents the ideal qualities of friendship, loyalty, peace and harmony, with the ocean embodying depth of feeling and eternity.
The heart is a universally recognised symbol of love and affection. It has long been used as a motif to refer to the spiritual and emotional core of a human being, particularly as an indication of romantic love.
The coin’s reverse depicts two dolphins in a heart-shaped motif, set against an idyllic coloured sunset over the ocean within a stylised love heart