From the sewers beneath New York, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles leap into action to fight evil on the city streets. This collectable antiqued high relief coloured coin celebrates 40 years of the Ninja Turtles’ adventures in comic books, animated series, movies and computer games.
Experts in the art of ninjutsu, and each with a signature weapon, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are a band of pizza-loving brothers like no other. As four baby turtles exposed to ‘mutagenic ooze’, they were transformed into crime-fighting superheroes. Guided by their sensei, a rat named Splinter, their mission to end villainy is never more resolute than when battling archenemy Oroku Saki, known as the Shredder.
this coin portrays a coloured image of Splinter in a fighting pose with an explosive burst in the background.
Struck by The Perth Mint from 1oz of 99.99% pure silver in proof quality, the coin is issued as legal tender under the authority of the Government of Tuvalu.
The Perth Mint will release no more than 5,000 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Splinter 2025 1oz Silver Coloured Proof Coin.
Accompanied by a numbered certificate of authenticity.
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